Fat doesn't burn itself, so it needs to be helped by speeding up the metabolism, digesting food efficiently, limiting the absorption of fat that comes with food and making you feel fuller for longer. All of this is possible with the HelaSlim, without the need to train or start a new miracle diet.
This formula has passed all safety tests and has been certified. It is suitable for people of all ages, more or less overweight.
Testimony of Julie, 34 years old
"The day that changed my life"
We asked Julie how it was that 6 weeks ago she weighed 103 kg, and today we see a slim, smiling and absolutely uninhibited woman. Here is her answer.
I've heard a lot of good things about this method.
So I said go for it!
I really wanted to change my life. I wanted to lose weight so that, above all, I could feel good about myself. I wanted to know if I would fit into a size M and if I would still be able to attract a man who would fall in love with me.
"I was losing weight every day"
It's unbelievable, but already after 3-4 days I noticed the first changes in my body. I started to lose centimetres in my waist and hips. The cellulite disappeared. I felt lighter and lighter every day and, what made me very happy, I stopped thinking about what was in the fridge. I don't hide that this was my biggest problem. It's incredible, but I was hardly hungry between meals! This had never happened to me before. I felt full for a long time after breakfast, lunch and dinner. And I was losing weight fast, practically without doing anything!
In the end, in 6 weeks, I lost... 19 kg! My body was impossible to recognize. No more avoiding my own reflection in the mirror. No more feeling ashamed in front of others. No more hiding my body under baggy jumpers. I could finally sunbathe in a swimming costume without any embarrassment.
What makes HelaSlim so effective

1️⃣ The outer protective layer
It performs a protective function, protects the tank from mechanical damage, water and dust.
2️⃣ The reservoir: the heart of the HelaSlim™ patches. It is the one that contains the carefully selected active ingredients and plant extracts.
3️⃣ The release-controlling membrane
It releases the substances contained in the reservoir with a programmed speed for a specific period of time.
4️⃣ The binding layer
It binds HelaSlim™ to your body for the purpose of delivering the substances to the general circulation.
The patches release their ingredients in a balanced way over a period of 3 hours, so that they do not shock the body and turn it into a fat-burning machine. Your body starts to use the stored fat at record speed.
They reduce your appetite
The active ingredients in the patch influence the hypothalamus (the brain structure responsible for the feeling of hunger, among other things) to effectively curb the appetite. In addition, they regulate the level of serotonin, which improves mood and reduces the need to snack for emotional reasons.
They speed up the metabolism
The HelaSlim accelerates the metabolism, the body burns all the food it receives to obtain the energy it needs to function properly. By accelerating the speed of the metabolism, it uses up all the calories consumed, thus preventing the accumulation of fat.
Forget diets and risky procedures - opt for natural weight loss with HelaSlim
How many times have you tortured yourself with pseudo diets that have done nothing and only made you worse? How many times have you felt resignation when the pounds came back with double the force after a diet was over? How many times have you cried when looking at your reflection in the mirror?
It's time to end it and start a whole new chapter in your life. Without spending a fortune, without the risk of complications or a long recovery period, as in the case of liposuction. This is your time to change everything and regain your self-esteem.